The Student & Parent Portal provides access to the following:
Troubleshooting the Portal
Where do I log in?
How do I log in?
Students' use their DoE account such as
Parents need to create an account following the instructions that are emailed.
How do I obtain a login?
Emails with instructions on setting up an account are sent to the registered family email address based on enrolment. These are sent out as a bulk email at the start of the year. If you haven't received this email, please contact the office and we'll investigate.
I'm a parent and have forgotten my login
You can reset your password by following the Forgot Password link on the Portal login page
I'm a student and have forgotten my login
You will need to see the Librarian and get your account password reset.

The Katoomba High Facebook page is used regularly to promote and advise students, parents and the wider community about events and information.