The school uniform at KHS has been strongly supported by Parents, Students and Staff. We believe School Uniform fosters a sense of belonging amongst students and shows a commitment to the School Community. It helps create the idea that school is a place of work and success. The uniform is simple, practical, inexpensive and comfortable to wear.
Opening Hours:
Uniforms can be purchased from the front office on school days between 9:00am and 2:00pm. Items can be exchanged for a different size if necessary providing the item hasn't been worn and labels remain intact.
Uniform orders can be placed by completing the Uniform Order Form and handing it in at the front office or emailing it to the main school email address. Please ensure you indicate the item description, size and quantity in the "Reference Number" field such as Junior Polo Shirt #14 x2.
Payments for uniforms can be made at the front office via EFTPOS or cash upon collection.
Junior Uniforms:
Skirt & blouse
Unisex polo shirt
Long sleeved polo shirt
Unisex shorts

Sports Uniforms: